Pre-ECMC Barcelona To Madriz

For those of you crazy enough to ride across the desert in Spain in late June, we’ve got you covered!

We’re putting together a ride from Barcelona to Madriz (650km, leaving 26th june, hopefully arriving 30th june).
We don’t have much more than a support van and a vague idea of the route, but stay tuned for more info!
We will peddal around  640km,
divided into 5 stages of 130km.
We will start at 17 meters above sea level.
We will go up till 1400 meters above sea level.
We will arrive to Madriz, at 647 meters above sea level.
The total positive slope accumulated during the hole ride is around 13000 meters.
We will try not to pedal at the hottest hours of the day, but still it will be hot as hell in Castilla in June, do you feel brave enough? ya better get ready fot tha sufferin’!
You could use any kind of bike, but we recomend some gears!.
There will be a van to help you with your luggage, food, tools (and some plasters in the first aid kit, just in case ;)
If you think you could take the challenge and want to join, you will just need a bike and some free time.
Also anybody interested in joining for  the first stage of this little trip, but not riding all of it, could make it on the last pre-event day: 26th of june (check the schedule to see what we’ve got planned).
And please send us an email if you’re coming with us, especially if you’re planning to ride to Madrid, so we can keep you updated and make room for you.